Style Evolution
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say my pandemic style evolution has looked something like this: My pyjamas, which were only worn at bedtime or on a hangover Sunday have swiftly become ‘day pyjamas’. Day pyjamas quickly turned into ‘these look ALMOST like real clothes enough to pop to the shop’ pyjamas. My ‘Do All’ range of pyjamas has grown to quite a substantial size of varying colours, fabrics, and patterns over the lockdown period. Some, I am surprised I even wear.
I used to really take pride in my appearance. As a girl from Grimsby I wouldn’t even answer the door to the postman without my eyebrows on and i would never, EVER go for more than a day without my hair being properly ‘done’. My curling wand now thinks I’ve died. I’m having Zoom meetings with my hair up, glasses on and no make-up. What the hell has happened to me?
I have spent more time in the last year with un-blow dried hair, socks on and not a high heal in sight. As a self-titled ‘short arse’ this is a major deal. I used to keep the hard skin on my feet so my killer heels wouldn’t murder me. Now i’ve sold all my corporate suits and designer high heels on eBay and I don’t really know what I am going to swap them with.
My style, or lack of it, is all over the place. I have spent a lifetime in blazers and smart trousers during my career I am not quite sure who I am just now. Where is Gok when you need him?
So last week I put on real clothes (well, a tracksuit) and ventured out to the shops. Well, I say shopping, I went to one fashion store. That was enough. I had no idea what I was looking for, what I was matching anything with or what I needed. It was all a bit of a mess. However, I made my purchases, came home, and hung everything in the wardrobe. I then put my pyjamas back on, took my make up off and tied my hair back in it’s bun. I have to say I am left a little confused of my style identity and not sure where to start.
I need a plan, I have been thinking I should pretend to be back in an office; wake up earlier, go for a coffee and come back to my desk like I had a commute. Sounds a little daft but I think the routine of going out and coming back to my desk will be both beneficial to my mind health and self-esteem. I’m just not sure my husband can get his head around being the office tea boy, but he’ll learn.